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Seven Toki

Seven Toki (7Toki) is a digital money that can only fund in NFT Game Released by Koisan World Multi Metaverse.

7Toki Circulating Supply
4,650,130 7Toki of 7Toki
In Game 7Toki *
5,212,099 7Toki

*This amount will be sum to 7Toki Circulating Supply when player withdraw to their 7Toki wallets.


Seven Toki (7Toki)

As mentioned above, Seven Toki (7Toki) is a digital money that can only fund in NFT Game Released by Koisan World Multi Metaverse. Seven Toki along with KIC Coin allows user to breed Koisans, which are collectable digital Koi Fish in the Game.

Different with other reward token, Seven Toki have its Max Supply and also have its own ecosystem which enable user to develop game, apps and many other.

How Seven Toki Works

Web 3.0 Foundation EVM

The KIC20 token Seven Toki (7Toki) was created to support Koisan World NFT Game as a base of built Play to Earn Game. Seven Toki is on KIC Network, and Seven Toki liquidity will presence at thats what makes Koisan World worthy to be play as a play to earn NFT Game.

Seven Toki (7Toki) will be used as a Major Cryptocurrency for Breeding Koisan, Buy Land, Sell Fruit and etc. Seven Toki (7Toki) is Gaming money which have its real value that can make user to collect for us investment or just to buy things in Koisan World Multi Metaverse.

Total Burned 7Toki

1,643,400 7Toki

7Toki Supply has been reduced to 1,643,400 7Toki on March 2, 2023 in the 7Toki Burning Process. What Does Burning Crypto Mean? Every Web3 project wants its cryptocurrency to increase in value. Although the price of cryptocurrencies should be correlated with their real-world uses, mechanisms such as token burning play a role in determining the token's value. Coin burning takes crypto out of circulation, thereby reducing the total cryptocurrency supply.


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